Thursday, May 13, 2010

Hw/H Announces New Hire!

We are pleased here at Hangin' with Humphrey to announce that Jersey Mike, the shadester of all shadesters, will replace me as chief editor and writer next semester.

Jersey Mike, of the Pennington Prep School, is a creative kid with loads of potential. He is known to be a great thespian and though his writing may be raw we are confident that his background in acting will bring him along. Read more about Jersey Mike here.

Jersey Mike and co-ed.

I will still be writing through the summer as I will soon be Livin' with Humphrey. Mike was a favorite to become chief editor and writer when discussions began at the board meeting last week. Chris, not to be confused with Big Chris, and Brad are runners-up and you may see some of their writing in the future. (I'm just kidding about Brad. He has dysgraphia.)

Mike solidified his position with some very solid writing today in a facebook-message discussion among some of the characters in Hangin' with Humphrey. You can read that discussion below. Mike will be interning all summer and providing that he passes a drug test (suggested by Chris, not to be confused with Big Chris), he will take over in the fall.

Enjoy the conversation and for a special fan named Meredith, Humphrey makes a mighty return in this conversation.

The discussion that instilled full confidence in Jersey Mike

9:59 a.m. — Chris, not to be confused with Big Chris: Check it out. I'm making it big time. Haha.

11:20 — Jersey Mike: My man.

11:42 — Me: Sorry Harold, but I need to expand on this a little bit. Shannon is one of six sisters! Holy shit. She grew up on a farm, which means she can raise animals, myself included. She wants to be a motivational speaker. She is motivating me already. Hot Damn. She works for the census, which means she can count all my babies she's gonna pop out. She is all about dreaming which means she's got a shot at the title and not every gal gets that. I guess I'll wrap this tirade up by saying, Harold if you don't get me going with our friend Shannon, I will beat your ass!

12:03 — Jersey Mike: Harold, it would be selfish not to set Tim up with "said co-ed". After all he has done for you. Tim, maybe she is moving up on the draft board? It seems her stock may have risen after an impressive performance at the combine, but there are still individual "workouts" to be scheduled... Only time will tell.

12:07 — Me: Too true. Said co-ed is quite high on the draft board, but I'm willing to trade her rights to Chris, not to be confused with Big Chris, in the rare instance of a break up with Kelsey. (I just double checked to make sure she wasn't a part of this thread.) Such a trade will be costly though and might require a multiple team action that would include the rights to Julie for a night and a month extension on Brad's drought. I love free agency!

12:46 — Jersey Mike: (This is the one that really shows Mike's promise.) This time of year is always so exciting! Our four-month summer break is the time when teams need to add talent, or in some cases (Pat), rebuild. After a disappointing 2009-2010 campaign, Pat is really looking to step his game up. What looked like a promising year for Charles, never truly got its legs. Although he has some pieces in place, i.e. his blue eyes which he has locked up long term, and his incredible boyish under the age of 13 charm, it seems some things may need to change. First, facial hair. It is possible Pat will pick up Bosley for the face as he is an Unrestricted Free Agent. Second, Pat may look to change his known associates, who embarrass him whenever an opportunity presents itself. There should be more traction to this story as the weeks progress.

Tim, I would be willing to trade Marly (Jersey Mike's exclusive co-ed) for a 6th round pick this year and a 7th next year. I could also include Terry's expiring contract. This could help in your multi-team deal. In addition, due to Terry's contract status, I will soon have the rights to a co-ed by the name of Chrissy. Although I will see what this co-ed has to offer..........., I am interested in trading her once I am through. Maybe a trade of Chrissy to Brad could aid his dry spell? I predict she jumps around from team to team.

12:49 — Me: Hahahahahahahahahaaha. There is no response to that. And ladies and gentlemen, Mike Lang has just been hired as a writer for Hangin' with Humphrey. Kid has talent.

12:59 — Humphrey: Mike,

You seem to have the TIm-given gift of writing. We will have to draw up a contract to become Humphrey's personal writer. As for me, I trade away all my picks for beer. This works in reverse order. While all the co-eds who surround me look much better, I seem to fall right off their draft boards with every ounce of golden refreshment that trickles down my esoufagus (disregard spelling, I have less brain cells than most people my age).

Love your beer mentor.

1:03 — Me: Humphrey,

Co-eds don't have draft boards.

1:17 — Jersey Mike: Can we put this chat in the blog? ASAP?

1:18 — Me: Already in the works. Wow. Mike even thinks like me. He is a dream. Albeit a sketchy one.

1:34 — Jersey Mike: Shadiness is my claim to fame, and I am riding that noise to the top.

1:36 — Me: Mike, clearly we are the only ones with lives on this drab Thursday afternoon.

1:51 — Jersey Mike: Right? I want to hear input of others... Although we did get a guest appearance from Humph himself. I'm actually at the gym, but bored.

2:49 — Chris, not to be confused with Big Chris: I have been enjoying this back and forth for the past few hours while relaxing after a hard days work at the radio station, but after hearing this topic come up I must add my input. I wholeheartedly agree with Mike's inheritance of chief blog-writer of Hangin' with Humphrey in Tim's absence.

I believe Mike so far fills the requirements of employment written in the Hangin' with Humphrey business code. I must stress, however, that there is a possibility of random drug testing once hired, so be aware of this. As much as I would love to read Mike's beautifully woven tales of Humphrey, the influence of illegal substances could hinder his ability in performing his tasks. With all this covered, I believe it is up to a simple vote to officially grant Mike the job.

Mike, you have big shoes to fill.

8:59 — Humphrey: Sorry i had a drinking break. my mistake earlier about women draft boards. me of all people should now they dont have rights. what i meant to say is the more i drink the more likely they will consider my actions on the verge of sexual harassment. in regards to the drug testing: 1. hopefully alcohol will not show up. 2. mikes sketchability antics will be able to falsify what ever would show up in the case that anything had shown up (not saying that anything would, we're respectable folks in 1825) 3. peeing in 40oz. OE bottles will replace the small cups usually used, and if its cool consider me miles davis.

back to beer. love you all


p.s. tims shoes arent that big physically but metaphorically..yes.

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